POLS 265 Community Planning and Politics Practicum
Why do cities "look" the way they do? What explains the characteristics and geographic patterns of the physical social and demographic landscape of cities? How can community members influence these characteristics and patterns? Part of the answer lies in understanding the practice of urban planning and its intersection with political processes. This course will introduce students to the history issues concepts tools and techniques of urban planning. In addition to examining a wide body of literature pertinent to the theory and practice of urban planning students will also study and discuss current planning issues and politics in Los Angeles with a particular focus on community-based planning initiatives. What are the politics of planning in LA? To extend Harold Laswell's description of the study of politics: Who Gets What When How in the sphere of urban planning in Los Angeles? This introduction will serve as a foundation for major community based research project conducted in partnership with local non-profit community based organizations engaged in the planning process. Students will develop community-based research writing and presentation skills. Through this course students will gain an understanding of the impact that planning decisions have on the lives of city residents and how these community members can actively and effectively engage in the politics of planning.
Cross Listed Course
UEP 265
UEP 101 or POLS 101