2021-2022 Catalog

DWA 234 Southern African Politics

Revolutionary transformations and democratic transitions in Southern Africa have occurred under the conditions of the Cold War and within the framework of heightened globalization. Currently, direct foreign political interventions have been scaled back, but economic interventions by international organizations and foreign states have increased. Even though liberal democracy is winning favor the structural basis of inequality remains with increasing unemployment, poor education, weak health services, inadequate housing, soaring food and utility prices, and increasing levels of poverty. Opposition movements demand changes ranging from subsidized basic foodstuff to free education. This has contributed to political tensions as states scramble to suppress resistance while still trying to maintain the conditions required by global economic institutions. This course will examine some of the states in this region including South Africa, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe.


4 units

Cross Listed Courses

BLST 234

Core Requirements Met

  • Regional Focus