2021-2022 Catalog


Concentration in Environmental Science


Select one course from the list below:

BIO 105Marine Biology

4 units

BIO 106Biology of California

4 units

BIO 110Organisms on Earth

4 units

BIO 115General Zoology

4 units

Select one course from the list below:

BIO 240Vertebrate Physiology

4 units

BIO 250Plant Form and Function

4 units

BIO 275Flora of Southern California

4 units

BIO 130Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology

4 units

BIO 260Biodiversity and Organization of Marine Ecosystems

4 units


BIO 270Ecology

4 units

BIO 280Evolutionary Biology

4 units

Students must select three 300-level Biology courses from the list below. At least two of these must be Occidental College Biology laboratory courses.

BIO 325Microbial Diversity

4 units

BIO 350Microbial Symbiosis

4 units

BIO 356The Biology of Marine Fishes

4 units

BIO 360Avian Biology

4 units

BIO 369Biological Oceanography

4 units

BIO 370Field Ecology

4 units

BIO 373Computational Biology

4 units

BIO 380Plant Physiological Ecology

4 units

CHEM 120Foundations of General Chemistry

4 units

One additional Chemistry course (with a lab)

4 or 5 units

Students must complete the following two courses:

ECON 101Principles of Economics I

4 units

ECON 301Environmental Economics and Policy

4 units

Students must complete the following two courses:

GEO 105Earth: Our Environment

4 units

GEO 245Earth's Climate: Past and Future

4 units

Option 1-
Calculus 2

4 units

Option 2-
Calculus 1

4 units


Department-approved statistics course

4 units

Senior Seminar

BIO 490Senior Seminar

4 units