2022-2023 Catalog

POLS 301 Urban Policy and Politics

This seminar focuses on the origin and development of cities suburbs and urban areas. It explores the causes symptoms and solutions to such urban problems as poverty housing transportation crime and violence pollution racial segregation and neighborhood change. It also examines how power is exercised by different groups including business citizens' groups community organizations unions the media mayors and other government officials. The course will also examine the role of city planning and planners conflict and cooperation between cities and suburbs problems of urban sprawl loss of open space water and energy resources. Students will learn about federal urban policy and the role of cities in national politics. The course will also compare American cities with cities in Europe Canada and the developing world. Public policies to solve urban problems.



4 units

Cross Listed Course

UEP 301


UEP 101 or POLS 101

Core Requirements Met

  • United States Diversity