2022-2023 Catalog



Core Courses

BLST 101Introduction to Black Studies

4 units

BLST 490Black Studies Senior Seminar

4 units

Interdisciplinary Electives

There are three Interdisciplinary clusters: expressive forms, historical perspectives, and politics and theory. Students are expected to complete six courses (24 units) across these interdisciplinary clusters, with a minimum of two courses (8 units) in each of the three interdisciplinary clusters.

BLST 302/RELS 302Spirit Possession

4 units

BLST 319Toni Morrison

4 units

CTSJ 280Rastafari

4 units

ENGL 142/BLST 142Joyful Noise! On Black Literature and Musicality

4 units

ENGL 377/BLST 377Afrofuturism

4 units

MUSC 104/BLST 104Music of Africa and the Middle East

4 units

MUSC 105Topics in American Music

4 units

MUSC 111/BLST 111Topics in Jazz History

4 units

RELS 245/BLST 245African American Religious Traditions

4 units

WRD 245/BLST 201Black Protest Rhetorics

4 units

BLST 208/AMST 208African American History II: The Great Migration and the Transformation of American Culture

4 units

BLST 256/AMST 256Race Women: African American Women's Protest Culture

4 units

BLST 268/AMST 268Style Politics: Beauty and Fashion in Black Women's History

4 units

BLST 376/AMST 376Slavery, Freedom, and American Memory

4 units

HIST 207/BLST 207African American History I: Black Americans and the Making of the Nation

4 units

HIST 309/BLST 309Slavery in the Antebellum South

4 units

HIST 312/BLST 312Race, Rights, and Revolution in the Atlantic World

4 units

BLST 218/SOC 218Black Ecological Thought

4 units

BLST 240Black Women Write Social Justice

4 units

BLST 263/SOC 263Du Boisian Social Theory and Analysis

4 units

BLST 315Black Feminist Movements

4 units

BLST 318Waywardness, Fugitivity, and the Anarchism of Blackness

4 units

BLST 352/POLS 352Black Political Thought

4 units

DWA 233/BLST 233African Political Thought

4 units

DWA 234/BLST 234Southern African Politics

4 units

PHIL 321Philosophy of James Baldwin

4 units

POLS 258/BLST 258Theoretical Accounts of Racism

4 units

POLS 301/UEP 301Urban Policy and Politics

4 units

Additional Electives

Students must take two additional electives chosen from the list of approved electives below, or any of the interdisciplinary clusters.

DWA 335Junior Seminar: Theories of Revolution from Africa and the African Diaspora

4 units

EDUC 215/BLST 215Educating African America

4 units

EDUC 320/BLST 320Critical Race Theory in Education

4 units

ENGL 341Race, Law, and Literature

4 units

HIST 277/BLST 277Women and Community Health

4 units

POLS 206Race and American Politics

4 units

RELS 244Islamophobia

4 units

Honors in the Major

To be eligible for honors, a student must have at least a 3.25 GPA overall and a 3.5 GPA in the major. Additionally, the student will be required to enroll in the senior seminar (currently BLST 490) in their senior year and complete a 40-page paper on a topic relevant to Black Studies. The paper must earn a grade of A- or above which is to be determined by the adviser in consultation with readers and the department chair.


The Black Studies minor is a five-course, 20-unit program consisting of one required core class (BLST 101); one elective from each interdisciplinary cluster (expressive forms, historical perspectives, and politics and theory (three courses /12 units); and one additional elective chosen from the approved Black Studies courses.

Required Core Course

BLST 101Introduction to Black Studies

4 units

Expressive Forms

One course from this category.

BLST 302/RELS 302Spirit Possession

4 units

BLST 346/ENGL 346Beautiful Democracy: 19th Century African American Literature

4 units

CTSJ 280Rastafari

4 units

ENGL 142/BLST 142Joyful Noise! On Black Literature and Musicality

4 units

ENGL 377/BLST 377Afrofuturism

4 units

MUSC 104/BLST 104Music of Africa and the Middle East

4 units

MUSC 105Topics in American Music

4 units

MUSC 111/BLST 111Topics in Jazz History

4 units

RELS 245/BLST 245African American Religious Traditions

4 units

Historical Perspectives

One course from this category.

BLST 208/AMST 208African American History II: The Great Migration and the Transformation of American Culture

4 units

BLST 268/AMST 268Style Politics: Beauty and Fashion in Black Women's History

4 units

BLST 376/AMST 376Slavery, Freedom, and American Memory

4 units

HIST 207/BLST 207African American History I: Black Americans and the Making of the Nation

4 units

HIST 309/BLST 309Slavery in the Antebellum South

4 units

Politics and Theory

One course from this category.

BLST 258/POLS 258Theoretical Accounts of Racism

4 units

BLST 352/POLS 352Black Political Thought

4 units

DWA 233/BLST 233African Political Thought

4 units

DWA 234/BLST 234Southern African Politics

4 units

PHIL 321Philosophy of James Baldwin

4 units

POLS 258/BLST 258Theoretical Accounts of Racism

4 units

Additional Electives

One course either from this category or the above categories.

DWA 335Junior Seminar: Theories of Revolution from Africa and the African Diaspora

4 units

EDUC 215/BLST 215Educating African America

4 units

EDUC 320/BLST 320Critical Race Theory in Education

4 units

ENGL 341Race, Law, and Literature

4 units

HIST 277/BLST 277Women and Community Health

4 units

POLS 206Race and American Politics

4 units

SOC 250Race and Ethnicity in American Society

4 units

RELS 244Islamophobia

4 units