2023-2024 Catalog

ECON 312 Political Economy of Sustainable Development: Case of Germany

Germany has emerged as a leader in sustainability and innovation. With the Federal Elections in 2021, would an increasingly popular Green Party help accelerate sustainable development in Germany? In this course, we study the political economy of Germany and how various political and economic forces shape sustainable development in Germany. The course begins with a module on the history, politics, and economy of Germany. We study the key events and institutions that helped shape Germany to become a leader in sustainability, though not without challenges. Concepts and theories in political economy will be introduced, alongside a review of key economic concepts. The course then proceeds to an environment-focused module and applies political economy frameworks to understand environmental issues confronting Germany. This bridges into case studies focused on several cities that have led sustainability debates. We then shift the focus to economic and social sustainability topics, including digital and innovation economy, east-west inequalities, migration, identity and integration, and nationalism. The course meets first as an on-campus seminar to introduce the political and economic structures as well as the major environmental and sustainability debates in Germany. We then spend three weeks traveling across Germany to learn on the field, including a visit to the German Parliament (Bundestag). This is a Faculty-led Course Abroad and the three-week field study in Germany is required. Application is required. 


4 units


ECON 102 and instructor permission

Core Requirements Met

  • Regional Focus