2023-2024 Catalog

ENGL 346 19th Century African American Literature

This course explores literary representations of slavery, civil war, social reconstruction, and political backlash in 19th century America. Along the way, students will address several questions: How does literature represent demands for social change that transgress the law, like the freed persons escaping slavery? How to distinguish fugitives fighting for freedom from unprincipled outlaws? Is emancipation a single act, legal declaration or a more complicated process? And for whom? Finally, how do we grapple with the backlash to political change? By focusing on the 19th century, we can rethink how African Americans found political agency generations before the most familiar events from the Civil Rights era. Most of all, this course allows students to read literature alongside historical documents, so they can see firsthand how debates over freedom evolved in the 19th century. 

Major Requirement Met: Group II


4 units

Cross Listed Course

BLST 346

Core Requirements Met

  • United States Diversity