2023-2024 Catalog

RELS 266 Sexuality and Gender in Buddhism

This course examines selected topics related to gender and sexuality as they have been negotiated in different global manifestations of the Buddhist tradition.  Spanning over 2,500 years and multiple civilizations, Buddhism as a philosophy and Buddhist communities have constructed concepts of gender, sexuality, and the body in multiple, often conflicting, ways.  Seen as androcentric and misogynist by some and liberating and non-judgmental by others, Buddhism and Buddhist institutional attitudes related to these key themes have been constructed through complex interactions between ancient traditions and the different societies in which Buddhism has developed.  The course will be anchored in theoretical considerations of sexuality and gender, which we will explore through different case studies from India, China, Tibet, Thailand, Japan, and Korea.


4 units

Core Requirements Met

  • Global Connections
  • Pre-1800