2023-2024 Catalog

UEP 306 Food and the Environment

This community based learning course explores a range food systems issues from a food justice lens. The course examines how our food system has been restructured over the last century to benefit large-scale agriculture interests, creating a global food system that emphasizes convenience and fast-food solutions for consumers, often to the detriment of low-income people and communities of color. Through in-depth class discussions, on-site field trips, and in-class speakers, the class will delve into the environmental, economic, health, cultural, and social impacts of to how food is grown, processed, manufactured, distributed, sold, and consumed in the U.S. The community based learning component of this course will involve project work with UEPI’s food programs as well as other Los Angeles-based nonprofit partners and food policy experts. Please note, the first half of the semester will be based in the classroom (T/Th 1:30-2:55pm). During the second half of the semester, class will be held only one time per week (from 11:45am-2:55pm) to accommodate field trips.


4 units


UEP 101

Core Requirements Met

  • United States Diversity