2024-2025 Catalog

COGS 298 Introduction to Neuroimaging: EEG Research and Methods

COGS 298 introduces students to the basics of electroencephalography (EEG) methodology for cognitive neuroscience research. This is a project-based lab course in which students will learn to conduct an experiment using EEG from start to finish. Students will attain a conceptual and theoretical understanding of EEG as a neuroimaging technique, will learn to design and program an original EEG experiment, participate in EEG data collection, will learn to analyze and visualize EEG data, and will present their work in both oral and written form. Students will gain skills in experimental design, computer programming, data analysis, scientific writing and presenting scientific results. No prior experience with EEG or coding is necessary to succeed in this course. 


4 units


BIO 130, COGS 101, COGS 104, COMP 113, PSYC 101, or instructor permission No prior experience with research, EEG, or computer programming is necessary.

Core Requirements Met

  • Laboratory Science