CORE 101 Humanities for Just Communities
This summer virtual course is part of the Humanities for Just Communities (HJC) curriculum, which aims to demonstrate the power of the Humanities to address a different social justice issue each year. Open only to incoming first-year students. Graded on Credit/No Credit basis only.
Protest, Abolition, and Freedom Movements
In summer 2024, the HJC summer virtual course will introduce incoming Oxy students to the range of ways Humanities disciplines study protest, abolition, and freedom movements. For each module of the course, students will watch a recorded lecture and engage with assigned readings from faculty members across a range of fields, including American Studies, Art History, Black Studies, History, Media Arts & Culture, Philosophy, and Religious Studies. Students will write their initial responses to these materials and then meet with classmates and the faculty member to discuss (two discussion sections each week). By the end of the course, students will have learned about a range of specific topics related to protest, abolition, and freedom movements, and they will be exposed to the various methodologies employed by Humanities disciplines. The summer course is also a great way to become familiar with college-level expectations and to meet classmates and faculty before arriving on campus in the Fall.