2024-2025 Catalog

PHYS 166 Relativity, Quanta, and All That

Our view of the physical world changed radically with the advent and development of relativity and quantum mechanics. This course is an introduction to the scientific and epistemological revolutions of 20th century physics, together with some of the discoveries and technologies which resulted.   Specific topics may include: the physical structure of space and time; time dilation and length contraction; the global positioning system; fundamentals of quantum mechanics; quantum entanglement and teleportation; nuclear physics; quarks and leptons; big bang cosmology and the early universe.   Students are expected to have a strong understanding of algebra and trigonometry. Not open to students who have completed PHYS 110, PHYS 115, PHYS 125, or PHYS 230; or equivalent.


4 units


This is not a calculus-based course. The needed math background extends merely to algebra and trig.

Core Requirements Met

  • Mathematics/Science