SOC 207 Latina and Latin American Women’s Labors
This course will examine contemporary economic, political and social conditions of women workers across the Americas. We will analyze the ways in which US-Latina and Latin American women navigate and resist hierarchical power relations in the globalized labor market. How processes of globalization, transnationalism, work, and family shape women’s lives are integral to this course. This course will expand the field of labor inquiry to include both productive and reproductive labors. This includes the unpaid “caring” work of childcare, housekeeping, and the maintenance of critical community networks. We will consider both the consequences of the sexual division of labor between those considered women and those classified as men but also focus on race, class, sexuality, nationality/citizenship, and other markers of differences. In these contexts, we will explore issues such as development, im/migration and construction of the woman worker to illuminate the gender of political economy and the political economy of gender. Finally, we will analyze struggles for pan con dignidad (dignity and daily bread), the place of affect in organizing, and the prospects for social justice.
Cross Listed Course
LLAS 207