2016-2017 Catalog

Major Requirements

The major consists of twelve 4-unit courses (48 units). Students may apply to the major and receive credit for upper-division coursework after having successfully completed Introduction to Psychology and Methods in Psychological Science. Majors select an academic advisor from among the department’s full-time faculty for consultation regarding their course programs. Though not strictly sequenced, the major is structured to provide both breadth and depth.


PSYC 101Introduction to Psychology


PSYC 200Methods in Psychological Science


PSYC 201Statistics in Psychological Science



Students must survey psychology’s diverse subdisciplines by taking at least six courses (24 units) listed within our four Domains: Biologically Based Analyses, Information Processing, Interpersonal and Intergroup, and Application-Oriented. To fulfill the breadth requirement, students must take at least one course in each of the four Domains to fulfill this requirement. To fulfill the depth requirement, at least one of the six required Domains courses must be at an advanced (400) level.

Biologically Based Analyses Domain

PSYC 312Physiological Psychology


PSYC 322Physiological Psychology


PSYC 336Evolutionary Psychology


PSYC 403Psychophysiology


Information Processing Domain

PSYC 301Learning


PSYC 302Perception


PSYC 306Cognitive Psychology


PSYC 436Comparative Cognition


PSYC 444Thinking and Reasoning


Interpersonal and Intergroup Relations Domain

PSYC 321Developmental Psychology


PSYC 323Social Psychology


PSYC 448Theories of Personality


Application-Oriented Domain

PSYC 223Social Psychology of Intergroup Relations and Dialogue


PSYC 330Abnormal Psychology


PSYC 334Health Psychology


PSYC 340Organizational Psychology


PSYC 431Clinical Psychology



Choose three additional Psychology courses.

* Some Kinesiology courses may be counted as electives.

** Up to 4 units in Independent Study / Honors courses (PSYC 397/PSYC 499) will be treated as one 4-unit, elective course, even if the units are accumulated over multiple semesters.


The Psychology department has elected to take a "writing-across-the-major" approach to the College’s second stage writing requirement. The department has selected an approach that is both evaluative and educational. See the Writing Program for additional information.

Toward the end of the fall semester of their senior year, students will submit a portfolio containing writing samples from 300/ 400 level courses taken for credit toward the Psychology major to the department. The portfolio will include at least twenty finished text pages, including (1) a research paper (empirical or library) of at least eight text pages, and (2) evidence of mastery of APA publication style. One writing sample in the portfolio must be (3) on a topic that required integration of information from two or more sub disciplines, and one writing sample in the portfolio must be (4) on a topic that required understanding of the variation between individuals, groups, or species relevant to social justice and/or well-being. Academic advisors will assess students’ work. If the portfolio does not pass after an attempt at revision, the student will be informed that s/he will need to complete a supplemental writing assignment to address any writing skill deficits. Refer to the Department Moodle site for more details.


Senior majors must take and pass a comprehensive examination early in the semester that precedes graduation (i.e., spring of senior year for most students).


Honors in Psychology may be awarded to qualified students. Eligible students are those who have earned an overall college grade point average of 3.25 or better and a grade point average in Psychology of 3.5 or better, and completed an empirical project that demonstrates the student's psychological sophistication, intellectual creativity, and research skills, culminating in an APA-style manuscript. Only courses completed at Occidental are used to calculate grade point average. Consult the Psychology Department Moodle website for information pertaining to the honors proposal, thesis readers, enrollment expectations, and the evaluation process including critical dates.


The department will apply toward the psychology major most broad-based courses in Introduction to Psychology taken at accredited colleges and universities. Students with an Advanced Placement score of 4 or 5 on the Psychology examination or with an International Baccalaureate Psychology exam score of 6 or 7 will be placed out of Introduction to Psychology. In addition to Introductory Psychology, the department will accept a maximum of two psychology courses taken at other institutions and passed with grades of C or better toward the completion of the Psychology major. Please consult with your academic advisor and the department chair for course approval. Students transferring from another institution in the junior year or students who have taken a leave of absence for more than 1 semester may transfer Introductory Psychology and up to four other psychology courses, with approval from the department chair.