2017-2018 Catalog

Degree Requirements - Master of Arts

  1. Completion of a minimum of 30 units (six courses) of graduate work at Occidental, achieving a grade of B (3.0) or higher in every course.
    1. Not less than one-half of the work shall be completed in the student’s major department. The remainder shall be chosen, with the approval of the advisor and the major department chair, from related upper-division courses in other departments to form a consistent plan of study. 
    2. M.A. students in biology must register once for thesis credit by enrolling in Biology 590, Thesis for Master of Arts Degree (5 units). This course may count toward the 30-unit requirement. 
  2. Satisfactory completion of a thesis. The relevant material shall be presented to the Graduate Office in approved form as specified in the general instructions issued to degree candidates. The Special Collections librarian will issue an acknowledgment of receipt to the student. This receipt shall be submitted to the Graduate Office as proof that the thesis has been submitted. 
  3. Passing of a final examination demonstrating a thorough grasp of the candidate’s field of emphasis. The supervising committee for this examination shall consist of three faculty members, with the student’s advisor as the chair. The committee shall include at least one faculty member of a department other than the student’s major department. 
  4. Other degree requirements specified by the major department in the College catalog. 
  5. All degree requirements must be completed no later than five calendar years after the date of initial enrollment as a graduate student.