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2019-2020 Catalog
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AMST - American Studies
ARAB - Arabic
ARTH - Art History
ARTS - Studio Art
BICH - Biochemistry
BIO - Biology
BLST - Black Studies
BOSP - Barack Obama Scholars Program
CHEM - Chemistry
CHIN - Chinese Studies
COGS - Cognitive Science
COMP - Computer Science
CORE - Core Program
CSLC - Comparative Studies in Literature and Culture
CSP - Cultural Studies Program
CTSJ - Critical Theory and Social Justice
DWA - Diplomacy & World Affairs
EASN - East Asian Studies
ECON - Economics
EDUC - Education
ENGL - English
FREN - French
GEO - Geology
GERM - German
GRK - Greek
INT - Internships
HIST - History
JAPN - Japanese Studies
KINE - Kinesiology
LATN - Latin
LING - Linguistics
LLAS - Latino/a and Latin American Studies
MAC - Media Arts and Culture
MATH - Mathematics
MUSA - Music Applied Study
MUSC - Music
PHAC - Physical Activities
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYS - Physics
POLS - Politics
PSYC - Psychology
RELS - Religious Studies
RUSN - Russian
SOC - Sociology
SPAN - Spanish
THEA - Theater
UEP - Urban & Environmental Policy
WRD - Writing & Rhetoric
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2019-2020 Catalog
Course Descriptions
GERM - German
GERM - German
GERM 101
Elementary German I
GERM 102
Elementary German II
GERM 151
Beginning/Intermediate Conversation I
GERM 152
Beginning/Intermediate Conversation II
GERM 197
Independent Study
GERM 201
Intermediate German
GERM 202
German Stylistics
GERM 232
Contemporary Germany: Culture and Society After 1945
GERM 251
Advanced Conversation I
GERM 252
Advanced Conversation II
GERM 273
The Culture of Weimar
GERM 280
Metropolis: The Modern City As Vision, Text, and Experience
GERM 282
Nazi Visual Culture
GERM 288
The Neo-Nazi Movement
GERM 307
Marx, Nietzsche, Freud
GERM 308
Art, Nature, Self: German Romanticism
GERM 309
From Kafka to Twitter: Small Forms of the Literary
GERM 310
Reading Bodies: Face, Race, Space in German Thought
GERM 311
Literature, Media, Technology: Scenes of Writing
GERM 312
The Sickness Unto Death: Selfhood and Despair in Literature and Philosophy
GERM 315
Kleist, Kafka and the Poetics of Madness
GERM 320
Metamorphic Bodies: Fluid Forms from Ovid to Kafka
GERM 321
Memory, Trauma, and Victim Culture
GERM 325
Crisis in Europe
GERM 370
Seminar on a Selected Topic
GERM 397
Independent Study
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