2019-2020 Catalog

Major Requirements



Language Component:

CHIN 202Intermediate Chinese II

5 units

CHIN 301Expository Essays and Short Narratives I

4 units

CHIN 310Expository Essays and Short Narratives II

4 units

CHIN 330Topics in Fiction and Film

4 units

CHIN 350Classical Chinese Texts

4 units

CHIN 460Translating Chinese I

4 units

One literature in translation course:

CHIN 272The Rise of the Martial Arts Novel

4 units

CHIN 273Contemporary Chinese Writers in Exile

4 units

CHIN 274Ghost and Love Stories

4 units

One methods or theory course:

CHIN 272The Rise of the Martial Arts Novel

4 units

CHIN 273Contemporary Chinese Writers in Exile

4 units

CHIN 274Ghost and Love Stories

4 units

CHIN 460Translating Chinese I

4 units

ENGL 290Introduction to Literary Methods

4 units

ENGL 370Literary Criticism

4 units

LING 301Introduction to Linguistics

4 units

Three additional China-related courses:

AMST 270Asian American Literature

4 units

AMST 272/EASN 272Asian Immigrants in American Society

4 units

AMST 280/DWA 246The United States and East Asia

4 units

ARTH 160Introduction to East Asian Art

4 units

DWA 237Cuba, Vietnam, China: Communism in a Post-Communist World

4 units

DWA 245/HIST 245China and the World

4 units

HIST 141East Asian Survey

4 units

HIST 242Imperial China

4 units

HIST 243Modern China: Colonialism, Nationalism, and Revolution

4 units

POLS 226Contemporary Chinese Politics

4 units

POLS 227East Asian Politics: China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan

4 units

RELS 160How to Live and Die Well in Buddhist Traditions

4 units

RELS 260Buddhist Thought From India to Japan

4 units

RELS 266Sexuality and Gender in Buddhism

4 units

RELS 276Empire and Religion in Asia and the Pacific

4 units

RELS 365Buddhist Ethics

4 units

SOC 340China's Environmental Challenges: A Sociological Perspective

4 units