2019-2020 Catalog


Cultural Studies Seminars (8 units)

The first-year Cultural Studies Program Seminars (CSP Seminars) are the centerpiece of the Core Program. These are small seminars, each designed by a faculty member around a topic in their field of expertise, emphasizing discussion, critical analysis, and intensive instruction in writing. First-year Students take one seminar in the fall and one in the spring, for a total of 8 units.

The Seminars for the coming year are described below.

Passing both CSP Seminars, in addition to passing two of three writing evaluations administered during a student’s first year, is required to satisfy the College’s First Stage Writing Proficiency Requirement. Exactly how to satisfy College’s First Stage Writing Proficiency Requirement is described in detail here.

Students may not drop or withdraw from a CSP seminar unless they withdraw from the College for that semester. A student who fails to successfully complete one or both CSP Seminars will be required to take WRD 201. 

Culture and Fine Arts, Science and Mathematics, and Foreign Language (24-40 units)

In addition to the CSP Seminars all students participate in the study of culture as embodied in the arts and sciences as well as in the humanities and social sciences by taking courses across the academic program meeting the following requirements:

Science and Mathematics (12 units)

Foreign Language (0-8)

  • They have taken more than one quarter in college or more than one year in high school (grades 10-12)
  • They have participated in after-school or weekend language programs; or
  • They have extensive background in but no formal training in a language.

Students can fulfill Occidental's language requirement in one of five ways:

  1. By completing a language course numbered 102 at Occidental, or the equivalent course in any foreign language at another accredited institution.
  2. By receiving an exemption-level score on Occidental's placement and/or exemption exam given during orientation.
  3. By earning an appropriate Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) II score (560 or above on French, Spanish, or Latin; 550 or above on German or Chinese; 540 or above on Japanese; or 560 for other languages)
  4. By earning an Advanced Placement test score of 4 or above on a language exam.
  5. For some languages not taught at Occidental, students may by taking the ACTFL oral proficiency interview (OPI) and the writing proficiency test (WPT) in the languages currently available. Please see the Keck Language and Culture Studio about demonstrating proficiency via ACTFL.

International students whose language of education has been in a language other than English and who have completed six years of elementary education or more in a foreign language are exempt from the foreign language requirement. Such students should contact the chair of one of the foreign language departments to confirm their fulfillment of the foreign language requirement.

Culture and Fine Arts (12-20)


Except for the CSP Seminar requirement, the Core Requirements for Transfer Students are identical to the Core Requirements for students matriculating at Occidental in their first year. Transfer students are not required to take the CSP seminars, but are expected to complete the equivalent of two CSP Seminars (8 units or 2 courses). Transfer students may meet their Core Requirements through equivalent courses taken before matriculation at Occidental, or through the courses designated as meeting Core Requirements taken at Occidental, or (as is the case for most transfer students) through a combination of both. Appropriate equivalents to Occidental’s Core Requirements are determined in consultation with the Core Program Office and the Registrar's Office.