2020-2021 Catalog


Academic Advising

At Occidental, faculty advisers are the primary source of advising and guidance for students as they navigate the academic program. Faculty advisers are assigned to new students when they first arrive on campus. In addition, the Advising Center is available to provide additional support for students.  

During their first two years at the College, students may remain with their initial faculty adviser or they may switch to another faculty member by submitting an Adviser Change Form to the Registrar’s Office. Once a student declares a major, they must have a faculty adviser who is affiliated with their major department or program. Students are required to declare a major by the end of the second year, but are strongly encourage to do so prior to advising week in the second semester of the sophomore year. Students are encouraged and expected to seek faculty counsel regularly.

The Advising Center is located in Johnson Student Center room 134 and is open weekdays when classes are in session, as well as limited hours during the summer. Services are also available by phone and email. The Center provides students with information about their degree progress, as well as being able to answer questions about registration, majors, minors, and College policies and procedures. It will also refer students to appropriate offices or faculty members in order to get specialized information about a specific program or objective. 

For more information, please visit: http://www.oxy.edu/advising-center.

Specialized advising resources are available for students interested pursuing a career in legal or health-related professions. In all cases, interested students are encouraged to contact the relevant offices early in their first year at Occidental, or as soon as they become aware of their interest.

Pre-Health Advising

The Office of Pre-Health Advising at Occidental College provides information and in-depth advisement to students and alumni who are interested in matriculating to professional graduate programs in health sciences.

Through personal counseling sessions, group workshops and seminars, we assist students with the clarification of their professional and academic goals, and preparation for graduate level programs in health sciences. Throughout the application process, we provide individualized support to applicants to medical and health sciences programs.

If you are interested in a career in health sciences, please attend workshops offered by this office throughout the year to gather information and network with others who share your interests. For private sessions, meet with the pre-health advisor on a regular basis to check your progress and to develop your short- and long-term strategies.

For more information, please visit: http://www.oxy.edu/pre-health-advising

Pre-Law Advising

Occidental College offers comprehensive pre-law advising services including personal counseling sessions, workshops, LSAT practice testing, personal statement advising, and guidance while applying to law schools. Interested students should contact the Hameetman Career Center for more information.

Fellowships Advising

National and International Fellowships

External fellowships and scholarships are those funded by government agencies, philanthropic foundations, professional associations, or academic institutions. They provide opportunities not readily available otherwise. Awardees can attend graduate school (often abroad), gain professional experience, teach English in another country, pursue independent projects, or work at a research institute. Some opportunities are open to current undergraduates; others are open only to seniors and graduates.

Each funder and fellowship has its own set of criteria, and most expect strong academic achievement. Other highly valued qualifications are:

  • Demonstrated leadership
  • Community work
  • Campus engagement
  • Research experience

Individual awards may limit eligibility by age, citizenship, past residency, foreign language proficiency, or other factors. Certain fellowships require nomination by the applicant’s college or university. 

The Office of National and International Fellowships supports Occidental College candidates for highly competitive, often prestigious, awards. The Fellowships office works with a faculty advisory committee and the Undergraduate Research Office, the International Programs Office, the Office of Community Engagement, the Office of Student Life, the Writing Center, and the HCC. First year students are encouraged to meet with the Director of National and International Fellowships to explore near-term awards and prepare for future ones. 

For more information about the Office of National and International Fellowships, visit 111 Hameetman Career Center or see http://www.oxy.edu/national-international-fellowships