2021-2022 Catalog

Failure to Meet SAP

If you do not meet all of the SAP requirements, you will be placed on a financial aid "warning" semester. During your "warning" semester, you will receive federal and institutional financial aid. If at the end of your "warning" semester, you have not met SAP requirements, you will no longer be eligible for institutional aid, federal aid, or both.

Students can receive multiple "warning" semesters during their time at Occidental; however, a student cannot receive two "warning" semesters in a row. Students who fail to meet SAP requirements by the end of their "warning" semester will automatically become ineligible for institutional aid, federal aid, or both.

If you lose your eligibility for institutional aid, federal aid, or both at the end of your "warning" semester (and the Student Progress Committee permits you to enroll) you have the right to appeal for an additional semester of aid.

Right to Appeal

If you lose your financial aid eligibility at the end of your “warning” semester (and the Academic Standards Committee permits you to enroll) you have the right to appeal for an additional semester of aid.

The appeal must be made in writing to the Director of Financial Aid. The appeal may not be based on your need for financial assistance or your lack of knowledge on the SAP policy. It should be based on some extenuating situation or condition which prevented you from making progress. Your appeal must include a written academic plan which outlines how you plan to restore your GPA to a 2.0 or better and/or meet the minimum unit requirements. 

Appeal Granted

If your appeal is granted, you will be placed on Financial Aid Probation. During probation, you must follow your academic plan and resolve all incomplete grades before the Financial Aid Office can make a final determination that you have met the SAP guidelines.

Appeal Denied

If your appeal is denied you may still be able to regain eligibility for future semesters by enrolling at Occidental (at your own expense), earning a 2.0 or better GPA, and bringing all cumulative units up to required standards. It is also possible to take a leave of absence from Occidental and pursue transferable coursework at another institution. This will allow you to bring your required units up to date and show academic improvement by attaining a minimum GPA of 2.0 or better (a GPA earned at another institution will not affect your Oxy GPA). You are required to speak with the Office of the Registrar to ensure units completed elsewhere are transferable to Occidental.