2021-2022 Catalog


Students who wish to be considered for honors in Mathematics should have completed all five fundamental courses in their first five semesters at the College, have a grade point average of at least at a 3.5 in their MATH courses at the end of their third year, and pass all five Comprehensive Exams on their first attempt. Honors students must also complete three approved upper-division courses beyond those required for the major by the end of their senior year (for a total of 36 units). Honors students must obtain signed approval from a mentor by the end of the junior year, and should enroll in MATH 499 for the fall semester of senior year.  For  Honors students, MATH 499 is substituted for MATH 400 in satisfying the major requirements. To receive honors, a student must write a paper as well as give a talk to the department on the topic of the paper.  The paper, which typically will be 20 pages long, is graded by the mentor along with a second reader; the entire department evaluates the talk, which is typically at least 30 minutes long.  The paper and talk must both be completed no later than April 1 of the Honors candidate's senior year.  Consult the Mathematics Department for additional details.