2022-2023 Catalog

Second-Stage Writing Proficiency

The Second-Stage Writing Requirement may be fulfilled in one of two ways:

Option 1

A student may complete the Second-Stage Writing Requirement in Black Studies by taking one of the following courses and receiving a grade of B- or better, determined by the instructor of record, on a 15-page final paper focusing on a topic relevant to Black Studies.

BLST 352/POLS 352Black Political Thought

4 units

BLST 355/POLS 355Critical Fanonism

4 units

BLST 376/AMST 376Slavery, Freedom, and American Memory

4 units

A student may complete the Second-Stage Writing Requirement in Black Studies by submitting to the chair a portfolio consisting of fifteen pages of writing submitted as a final assignment in a 300-level Black Studies designated course or a course approved by the adviser in which the student has composed a final assignment addressed specifically to the topic of Black Studies. The portfolio may include more than one essay if a single essay is less than fifteen pages in length. The portfolio will be assessed by the adviser in consultation with the chair.

In order to successfully pass the Second-Stage Writing Requirement, submitted essays must exhibit evidence of the following: 

  • Correct use of the conventions of American academic prose including grammar, punctuation, syntax, and vocabulary
  • Proper citation formatting in MLA or Chicago Manual Style, preferably
  • Construction of a compelling and clear thesis or argument
  • Persuasive use of evidence (secondary sources, data, etc.) to support the thesis and related claims
  • Organization of the essay as a whole into a logical sequence with smooth transitions

Essays submitted as part of a portfolio will be assessed against these criteria and graded Acceptable/Unacceptable.

The course or portfolio must be completed by the end of the spring semester during the student's junior year.

Should a student not successfully complete the writing requirement by the end of their Junior year Spring semester, they will be required to submit a revised essay/portfolio to the adviser no later than the fourth week of their senior year fall semester.