2022-2023 Catalog

Comprehensive Requirement

In the senior year, the student will complete a project on a topic in Computer Science. The project is coordinated with the work of the Computer Science Senior Seminar (COMP 490). All majors take the Senior Seminar in the fall semester of the senior year. Students considering study abroad must coordinate with the department to ensure the completion of their senior comprehensive project, but we recommend not studying abroad during fall of senior year. 

To earn credit for COMP 490, students will present their completed project to the computer science faculty at a public showcase open to the campus community, in addition completing a thesis on their work. Example projects include a fully functional and user-tested mobile app, a research paper in computer science, or a review of technology policies and their impacts. Students who pursue the CS+X pathway must complete a comprehensive project related to their theme. Distinction will be awarded by the Computer Science faculty (and in consultation with external faculty for students pursuing CS+X) to exceptionally strong comprehensive projects.