2022-2023 Catalog

Science and Mathematics

Every student is required to have a basic understanding of the theory and methods of the sciences. Accordingly, students are required to successfully complete a total of three courses (at least 12 units) that provide experiences in the sciences and mathematics. Of the three, at least one course (4-units) must be a laboratory science (CPLS).

Lab Science

The purpose of the Core Program Lab Science (CPLS) requirement is to engage students in the empirical study of phenomena, to support or falsify a hypothesis using a scientific approach of structured observations or experimentation, data analysis, and use of evidence. The course experience should simulate or replicate the methods of exploration and discovery used by analysts and experts working on problems or exploring hypotheses through hands-on data collection in a field or laboratory setting.

Designation Criteria


  1. Learn and practice disciplinary-specific scientific tools and strategies in a laboratory or field setting, such as observing phenomena, designing experiments, and gathering or collecting primary data.
  2. Learn appropriate technical vocabulary and create relevant scientific communication data products (such as graphs, summary tables of results, laboratory reports, etc.).
  3. Apply the fundamental concepts in, and prior knowledge of, the discipline to guide what questions are asked, and which discipline-specific methods should be used to answer those questions
  4. Consider the nature, scope, limitations, and broader impacts of empirical scientific investigation (i.e. data analysis, controlled experiments, statistics, applied mathematical modeling, etc.).


The purpose of the Core Program Math/Science (CPMS) requirement is to ensure that students have significant exposure to, and experience with, disciplinary-specific thinking based on systematic observation, the analysis of data, and/or the use of mathematical concepts and formal methods of reasoning.

Designation Criteria

  1. provide instruction in or require mathematical, quantitative, computational or analytical skills; 
  2. engage students in scientific thinking and its application to the world around them;
  3. include discussion of "the scientific world view, scientific methods of inquiry and the nature of the scientific enterprise" (American Association for the Advancement of Science's Project 2061).


  1. Demonstrate understanding of the scientific method by doing the following: making observations, articulating hypotheses, testing hypotheses, and drawing conclusions.
  2. Demonstrate understanding of formal descriptions of abstract concepts in science or mathematics by correctly using and interpreting mathematical notation or discipline-specific scientific/technical vocabulary.
  3. Describe, develop, implement, and/or replicate an ordered sequence of steps to demonstrate scientific or mathematical results (e.g., execute algorithms, solve problems, prove theorems, create chemical products, conduct experiments, produce software, make observations, etc).
  4. Describe, identify, explain, observe and/or critically examine multiple examples of scientific phenomena or mathematical concepts. 
  5. Discuss specific examples of social, practical or ethical implications of mathematics and/or science.