2022-2023 Catalog



Required Courses

Students must complete the six required courses listed below.

CTSJ 100Introduction to Critical Theory

4 units

CTSJ 102Justice Bootcamp

4 units

CTSJ 300Research Methods and Critical Inquiry

4 units

CTSJ 390CTSJ Junior Seminar: Interventions

4 units

CTSJ 398Social Justice Practicum

4 units

CTSJ 490Senior Seminar in Critical Theory - Social Justice

4 units

The Junior Seminar will be offered during the spring semester. Students planning to travel abroad during their junior year should do so in the fall semester and may seek approval of the department chair to have one study abroad class count as a CTSJ elective. All requests must include the following: the course syllabus, all assignments completed for the particular class, and the proper completed form from either IPO or the Registrar's Office.

Additional Electives

Students must complete five additional courses in CTSJ. 

Honors in the Major

Students majoring in CTSJ must be nominated during their senior year by a CTSJ faculty member to be considered for Honors. Nominations will be reviewed by the CTSJ department faculty based on: a major GPA of 3.70 or higher, a “Pass with Distinction” comprehensive project, an “A” grade in CTSJ 398, and significant contributions to the life of the department and in activism in the community.


The minor in Critical Theory & Social Justice requires five courses (20 units) taught in the CTSJ Department: Introduction to Critical Theory (CTSJ 100), Justice Bootcamp (CTSJ 102), and three additional electives.