2022-2023 Catalog




Students must complete 20 units of food-related courses. Courses must be taken from a minimum of two different departments. At least three courses applied to the food studies minor must be taken outside the student’s major program.

Students must complete at least one course from the following:

KINE 210Nutrition and Homeostasis

4 units

SOC 240Sociology of Food

4 units

UEP 306Food and the Environment

4 units


In addition to the courses listed above, students may select courses from the list below:

DWA 283Soft Power: How Nations Interact Without War

4 units

HIST 346The Transformation of Urban and Rural China

4 units

HIST 358/LLAS 358Food and Drink in Mexican History

4 units

KINE 210Nutrition and Homeostasis

4 units

KINE 298Community Health and Fitness Research

2 units

KINE 306Biochemistry of Exercise and Energy

4 units

KINE 398Community Health and Fitness Research

2 units

PSYC 420Psychology of Addiction

4 units

RELS 205Holy Sh*t!: Engaging the Materiality of Religion

4 units

UEP 101Environment and Society

4 units

UEP 247Sustainable Oxy: Urban Agriculture and Sustainable Landscape Practicum

2 units

UEP 303Sustainable Development

4 units