2023-2024 Catalog

Advising Information

Students who are interested in the History major are encouraged to start by taking a 100- or 200-level survey course. Most 100- and 200 -level HIST courses do not have prerequisites and can be taken in any order.

Placement Information

No placement exams are specifically required for the History major. 

Sample 4-Year Plan



Year 1

  • Fall FYS course

  • Foreign Language (4 or 5 units)

  • Core Requirement (4 units)

  • General Elective (4 units)

  • Spring FYS course

  • History Survey and/or Premodern (CPPE)

  • Core Requirement (4 units)

  • General Elective (4 units)

Year 2

  • History Survey

  • Core Requirement

  • Core Requirement

  • General Elective

  • History Survey

  • Core Requirement

  • Core Requirement

  • General Elective

Year 3

  • HIST 300 or 300-level HIST Elective

  • 300-level HIST Elective

  • General Elective

  • General Elective

  • HIST 300 or 300-level HIST Elective

  • HIST Elective

  • General Elective

  • General Elective

Year 4

  • HIST 490 (Senior Seminar)

  • HIST Elective

  • General Elective

  • General Elective

  • 300-level HIST Elective

  • General Elective

  • General Elective

  • General Elective