2024-2025 Catalog



The DWA major completes six core courses (24 units), a language requirement, and at least 16 more credits in international relations, 12 of which must be DWA courses.

Core Courses (24 units, 6 courses)

DWA 101International Relations: The Changing Rules of the Game

4 units

DWA 102International Organizations

4 units

DWA 103Introduction to Global Political Economy

4 units

ECON 101Principles of Economics I

4 units

One DWA course at the 300-level

4 units

DWA 490Senior Seminar

4 units

Additional Electives

Sixteen credits in international relations classes numbered 200 or higher. At least 12 of these credits must be in in Diplomacy and World Affairs at the College. Department credit can be given for up to one course in international relations from a different Occidental academic department, the United Nations Program, or from study abroad; off-campus courses must be approved by the department chair prior to departure.

Language Proficiency

Students must complete the equivalent of four college semesters of one language (101, 102, 201 and 202), or two college semesters each of two languages (i.e. 101 and 102). Parts or all of the language requirement may be waived for international students or advanced speakers in any language other than English, pending language testing. Students seeking to test out of the language requirement must contact Luz Forero, Oxy Language Education Specialist, to arrange for testing. It is recommended that students arrange testing by the Spring of their Junior year to avoid delaying graduation.

Honors in the Major

Qualified majors may achieve Honors by maintaining an overall grade point average of 3.25, with a 3.5 GPA in the major (inclusive of courses from all departments taken at Occidental that count toward fulfilling DWA major requirements; study abroad, language, and Oxy-at-the-U.N. courses do not count toward the major GPA); and through completion of the comprehensive requirement with a grade of Pass with Distinction. Those interested should consult the department chair for details, preferably in the junior year.