2024-2025 Catalog

Comprehensive Requirement

Students will fulfill the Group Language comprehensive requirement in one of two ways:

(1) A student may choose to submit a 20-page paper on a senior research project on comparative literature and culture or linguistics, combining both halves of the major. The student should enroll in four units of Lang 497 in the fall of the senior year. In the spring semester of the senior year, the student will also give an oral presentation on the research project.


(2) A student may conduct two separate research projects and do the following for each half of the Group Language major:


A student will fulfill the Chinese portion of the comprehensives through: (1) a two-unit Independent Study in the fall semester of the senior year, in which the student will produce a 10-page paper on Chinese literature, culture, or linguistics that include texts written in Chinese; followed by (2) an oral presentation about the research project in the spring semester.


A student will fulfill the French portion of the comprehensives through: (1) a two-unit Independent Study in the fall semester of the senior year, in which the student will produce a 10-page paper on Francophone literature, culture, or linguistics that includes texts written in French; followed by (2) an oral presentation about the research project in the spring semester.


A student will fulfill the German portion of the comprehensives through: (1) a two-unit Independent Study in the fall semester of the senior year, in which the student will produce a 10-page paper on German literature, culture, or linguistics that includes texts written in German; followed by (2) an oral presentation about the research project in the spring semester.


A student will fulfill the Japanese portion of the comprehensives through: (1) a two-unit Independent Study in the fall of the senior year, in which the student will produce a 10-page paper on Japanese literature, culture, or linguistics that include texts written in Japanese; followed by (2) an oral presentation about the research project in the spring semester.


A student will fulfill the Linguistics portion of the comprehensives through: (1) a two-unit Independent Study in the fall of the senior year, in which the student will produce a 10-page paper on a topic in linguistics; followed by (2) an oral presentation about the research project in the spring semester.


A student will fulfill the Russian portion of the comprehensives through: (1) a two-unit Independent Study in the fall of the senior year, in which the student will produce a 10-page paper on Russian literature, culture, or linguistics that include texts written in Russian; followed by (2) an oral presentation about the research project in the spring semester.


A student will fulfill the Spanish portion of the comprehensives EITHER (1) by completing the Spanish Senior Seminar SPAN 490 which includes an oral presentation on a seminar theme; OR (2) by completing a two-unit Independent Study in the fall of the senior year, in which the student will produce a 10-page paper on Hispanic literature, culture, or linguistics that includes texts written in Spanish, and giving an oral presentation about the research project in the spring semester.