2024-2025 Catalog

Second-Stage Writing

The Second-Stage Writing Requirement in Physics can be satisfied with a passing evaluation of a student portfolio. The portfolio will consist of three items: two laboratory reports from Modern Physics (PHYS 240) and/or Advanced Laboratory (PHYS 315/PHYS 316), and one research report from Senior Physics Seminar (PHYS 490/PHYS 491). Students are encouraged to revise these reports before submitting the portfolio. Typical formats for the required writings will be presented in the related courses. The writing is expected to be clear, precise, and intelligible to someone who has completed the Physics Foundation. Proper spelling, grammar, and organization are essential. The portfolio will be evaluated on a pass/fail basis by a departmental committee.

A student may submit a portfolio only once. The portfolio is normally submitted at the end of the semester when the student completes the first semester of PHYS 490/PHYS 491. The final deadline for submission of a passing portfolio is the last day of classes in a student’s penultimate semester. Students who fail to pass the writing portfolio or those that do not wish to submit a portfolio can also satisfy the Second-Stage Writing Requirement by taking a CWP 201 course that has been approved by the Physics Department Chair in consultation with the CWP Chair. A grade of C or better will satisfy the Second-Stage Writing Requirement.