2024-2025 Catalog

Spanish Studies


Spanish majors are required to take eight courses (32 units), including SPAN 202 or SPAN 211, six 300-level courses, and SPAN 490. Of the group of six 300-level courses, a minimum of two must be in literature and one in linguistics. At least one of the six 300-level courses must be numbered SPAN 340 or above.

A maximum of three courses may be taken outside the department, including those taken on study abroad programs. Only one course may be taken in English, with approval of the department. All courses taken outside the department for the Spanish major must be approved in advance by the chair. Students are responsible for documenting the work they do abroad, especially regarding independent research, internships, or courses taken directly at a university. A portfolio of their work should be submitted upon their return in order to receive credit towards the Spanish major or minor.

For both the Spanish major and minor, the terms literature and culture refer to the literatures and cultures of Spain, Spanish America, and the Latino United States. The term linguistics includes courses taught both in English and Spanish.


Students majoring in Spanish Studies have the option to choose a concentration in Literature, Culture, or Linguistics. In addition to the requirements above, students pursuing a concentration must also satisfy the following requirements:

  • Literature. Three courses in literature, one course in linguistics, and two additional courses in literature, linguistics, or culture
  • Culture. Three courses in culture, two courses in literature, and one course in linguistics
  • Linguistics. Three courses in linguistics, two courses in literature, and one additional course in literature, linguistics, or culture


SPAN 301Introduction to Pre-Columbian and Colonial Latin American Literature and Civilization

4 units

SPAN 302Introduction to Medieval and Golden Age Spanish Literature and Culture

4 units

SPAN 303Introduction to Modern Latin American Literature and Culture

4 units

SPAN 304Introduction to Modern Spanish Literature and Civilization

4 units

SPAN 309Latin American Writers in Spain

4 units

SPAN 314Latin American Women's Voices in Fiction and Film

4 units

SPAN 316Violence in Latin American Fiction and Film

4 units

SPAN 320Golden Age Spanish Literature and Film

4 units

SPAN 321Spanish Culture during Francoism

4 units

SPAN 351Cervantes and the Renaissance

4 units

SPAN 362Modern Spanish Theater and Cinema

4 units

SPAN 363Hispanic Autobiography

4 units

SPAN 365Gender and Sexuality in Spain

4 units

SPAN 370The Jungle in Modern Latin American Literature

4 units

SPAN 382Contemporary Mexican Novel

4 units

SPAN 383Survey of Chicano Literature

4 units


SPAN 312Spanish Film and Culture

4 units

SPAN 313Latin American Film and Culture

4 units

SPAN 314Latin American Women's Voices in Fiction and Film

4 units

SPAN 316Violence in Latin American Fiction and Film

4 units

SPAN 320Golden Age Spanish Literature and Film

4 units

SPAN 321Spanish Culture during Francoism

4 units

SPAN 362Modern Spanish Theater and Cinema

4 units

SPAN 365Gender and Sexuality in Spain

4 units

SPAN 371/CTSJ 260Culture, Resistance, and the Politics of Human Rights in the Americas

4 units


LING 301Introduction to Linguistics

4 units

LING 350/PSYC 351Psycholinguistics

4 units

SPAN 340Spanish Phonology

4 units

SPAN 341History of the Spanish Language

4 units

SPAN 342Spanish in the United States

4 units

SPAN 343Spanish Sociolinguistics

4 units

Honors in the Major

Majors in the department with GPA of at least 3.50 in major courses and an overall GPA of 3.25 may qualify for Honors at graduation through a distinguished comprehensive thesis. Students pursuing Honors enroll in a 4-unit independent study in which they extend the work conducted during the senior seminar. Consult the major advisor or chair for details by the end of the fall semester, senior year.


Students with a Spanish minor are required to take five courses, SPAN 202/SPAN 211 and four at the 300-level. All courses that count for the Spanish major also count for the minor. Courses numbered 300 and above are courses in literature, linguistics, and culture. At least one course must be numbered 340 or above. All SPAN courses are taught in Spanish. One course in English may also count for the minor. A maximum of two courses may be taken outside the department, including those taken on study abroad programs. All courses taken outside the department for the Spanish minor must be approved in advance by the department.