2017-2018 Catalog

Core Program

The Core Program is a cross-disciplinary array of courses required of all students providing the intellectual foundation for Occidental's commitment to excellence, equity, service, and community. Core courses ask students to engage in analytic and creative thinking: posing questions from different points of view, solving problems, formulating hypotheses, gathering evidence to support claims and arguments, drawing appropriate conclusions, and expressing ideas clearly. These courses explore the large questions which we believe all students must address in order to participate fully in their academic careers, their vocations, and their lives: questions of human cultures and beliefs, of creativity, and of the physical world.  Students are asked to examine previously held ideas in the context of new and challenging ones, to experiment imaginatively, to articulate similarities and differences, and to revise both ideas and written work. Methods and materials vary, in disciplines ranging from the humanities to the social sciences, to science, mathematics, and art; and analytic thinking may take place in the context of a lab, in the close reading of a text, on a stage, in a lecture hall, on a computer screen, in a screening room, or in the field. Assignments will also vary from papers, to arguing a thesis, to problem sets, to research term papers, to lab reports, to paintings.

All Core requirements should be completed by the end of the junior year.  Individual courses can meet a maximum of two Core Requirements. With the exception of the language proficiency requirement, Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate examinations may not be used to satisfy any Core requirements. Transfer courses taken online may not be used to satisfy Core Requirements.


Cultural Studies Seminars (8 units)

Culture and Fine Arts, Science and Mathematics, and Foreign Language (24-40 units)

  • They have taken more than one quarter in college or more than one year in high school (grades 10-12)
  • They have participated in after-school or weekend language programs; or
  • They have extensive background in but no formal training in a language.

Students can fulfill Occidental's language requirement in one of five ways:

  1. By completing a language course numbered 102 at Occidental, or the equivalent course in any foreign language at another accredited institution.
  2. By receiving an exemption-level score on Occidental's placement and/or exemption exam given during orientation.
  3. By earning an appropriate Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) II score (560 or above on French, Spanish, or Latin; 550 or above on German or Chinese; 540 or above on Japanese; or 560 for other languages)
  4. By earning an Advanced Placement test score of 4 or above on a language exam.
  5. For some languages not taught at Occidental, students may by taking the ACTFL oral proficiency interview (OPI) and the writing proficiency test (WPT) in the languages currently available. Please see the Keck Language and Culture Studio about demonstrating proficiency via ACTFL.

International students whose language of education has been in a language other than English and who have completed six years of elementary education or more in a foreign language are exempt from the foreign language requirement. Such students should contact the chair of one of the foreign language departments to confirm their fulfillment of the foreign language requirement.


Except for the CSP Seminar requirement, the Core Requirements for Transfer Students are identical to the Core Requirements for students matriculating at Occidental in their first year. Transfer students are not required to take the CSP seminars, but are expected to complete the equivalent of two CSP Seminars (8 units or 2 courses). Transfer students may meet their Core Requirements through equivalent courses taken before matriculation at Occidental, or through the courses designated as meeting Core Requirements taken at Occidental, or (as is the case for most transfer students) through a combination of both. Appropriate equivalents to Occidental’s Core Requirements are determined in consultation with the Core Program Office and the Registrar's Office.


Core Program Courses:

Cultural Studies Program Fall Writing Seminars

Cultural Studies Program Spring Research Seminars

Other Cultural Studies Program Courses


Regular Faculty

Carolyn Brighouse, chair

Associate Dean for Core Curriculum and Student Issues; Philosophy; Cognitive Science; Core Program; Interim Chair, American Studies

B.A., University of Liverpool; M.A., Ph.D., University of Southern California

On Special Appointment

Lauren Brown

Non Tenure Track Assistant Professor, Core Program

B.A., U.C. Los Angeles; Ph.D., U.C. Los Angeles

Devin Fromm

Non Tenure Track Assistant Professor, Core Program

B.A., University of Montana; M.A., University of Pittsburgh; Ph.D., U.C. Santa Barbara

Lara Rabinovitch

Non Tenure Track Assistant Professor, Core Program

B.A., McGill University; Ph.D., New York University

Suzanne Roszak

Non Tenure Track Instructor, Core Program

B.A. Columbia University; M.A., M. Phil, Yale University