2021-2022 Catalog

FYS 64 White Privilege, White Grievance: The Rise of White Identity Politics

Events such as the January 6th insurrection at the US Capitol, the efforts by local school districts to prohibit teaching America’s history of systemic oppression and the growing political divide today can be understood by critical inquiry into the study of white identities. This seminar, through the lens of whiteness studies will examine and analyze a series of texts, including essays, articles, digital media, and more to consider how writers, artists and public intellectuals ask difficult questions and present ideas to engage in critical conversation regarding these topics. The real work of this course is strengthening students’ ability to analyze, evaluate, and produce arguments. Students will engage in essay writing with an emphasis on constructing logical arguments and developing persuasive analysis utilizing primary and secondary evidence to support ideas in preparation for writing an academic research paper. Works from scholars such as David Roediger, Ashley Jardina, George Lipsitz, Peggy McIntosh, and numerous others will be examined.


4 units


Open only to first year frosh