2023-2024 Catalog

Class Attendance and Examinations

In-class examinations must be scheduled during the regular course meeting time. Exceptions are granted for students with approved accommodations taking examinations in the Testing Center. 

Regular class attendance is expected of all students. Although the recording of attendance is at the discretion of the instructor, students may not enroll for two courses that have any overlap in time. Faculty have the option of administratively dropping any student who fails to attend the first two hours of  class in any given semester. Professors will communicate with students who have not been able to attend the first two hours of the course to determine whether circumstances beyond their control prevented them from attending before administratively dropping them from the course. Students are responsible for arranging with the instructor the manner in which work missed through absence will be made up.

The decision is left to the instructor whether a final examination is held in a course at the close of the semester. Final examinations may not be administered before the scheduled examination period; take-home examinations may not be issued to students before the final day of classes. With the exception of laboratory practica, no test or examination may be administered in the final week of classes. When the last day of classes falls on a Friday of a full week (a week during which Occidental classes are scheduled every day) the last week of classes is considered to be the five days of that week. In all other cases, the last week of classes for a course is considered to be the days up to and including the last day of classes that allow for the usual number of class sessions that would take place for that course during a full week. The time of the final examination can be changed within the examination period if there is unanimous agreement from students in the class and if an appropriate room can be found by the Registrar. No examination may be held on a scheduled reading day. Examination times and reading days are posted on the final examination schedule with the exception of courses offered at an irregular time.