2023-2024 Catalog

FYS 24 Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums (GLAM)

Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums (GLAM) are sites of knowledge, memory and meaning making. This course will explore the evolving nature of these institutions looking at the impact of professional practices in these spaces, the growing use of digital technologies and the theories of knowledge production that underlie them. The course will engage students in theoretical reading on these subjects with accompanying lectures, provide space for classroom discussion, and contain weekly case studies where the class will investigate a particular institution and its practices. Students will also have the opportunity to engage with an embedded librarian in the course to do hands-on course related work in the Oxy library and with primary materials in the Oxy Special Collections. Assignments will include four 1000-1250 word expository essays, one in each of the four subject areas covered (Theories of Knowledge, Galleries/Museums, Archives, and Libraries) which will be displayed on a google site created by the student as a digital portfolio of their expository writing capabilities. Open only to first year frosh.


4 units