2024-2025 Catalog


Students majoring in Music must choose, at the time of declaring the major, one of the following focuses to pursue: foundations of music creation, instrumental performance, vocal performance, or music studies. Students with no prior music theory experience must take MUSC 101, offered in the fall semester. Students with substantial experience in music theory should take the Music Theory Placement Exam to see if they can pass directly into MUSC 151, offered in the spring semester.

In addition, students who are pursuing the foundations of music creation focus may choose to concentrate in composition or production. The composition or production concentration must be declared by October of the junior year in order to prepare for the practice-based component of the Senior Comprehensive project.

To declare the Music major with any focus, students must have completed MUSC 151 with a grade of C or higher. In addition, to declare the music production concentration, students must have also completed MUSC 148 with a grade of C or higher. Moreover, for production students, both MUSC 151 and MUSC 148 must be completed by the end of the sophomore year.

Students intending to study abroad in their junior year must begin the music theory sequence in their first year and should only consider study abroad programs that can advance their progress in the Music major. Students who study abroad in their junior years and are pursuing a vocal or instrumental performance focus will be accommodated with online MUSA lessons.