2017-2018 Catalog


The curriculum of the Chemistry Department is designed to provide the student with a deep and comprehensive understanding of the principles of chemistry, including the laboratory experience necessary for basic research, teaching, and industrial research and development. Each student is expected to carry out laboratory research, working side-by-side with a faculty member on a novel problem at the vanguard of the chemical sciences. Research facilities and instrumentation are excellent and qualified students may begin research as early as their first year. Faculty research grants augmented with support from major corporations and foundations have enabled the department to offer research stipends to qualified students each summer.

To the student preparing for medicine or related professions, training is offered in the fundamental and applied branches of chemistry. In addition, chemistry offers to the liberal arts student an appreciation and understanding of the discoveries, methods, and place of this subject in our society.

The program for majors also prepares students for entrance into the School of Engineering at Columbia University and the Applied Chemistry Program of the California Institute of Technology under the Combined Plan Program. Students interested in engineering should consult the Combined Plan Program for details.