2017-2018 Catalog

Major Requirements

Core courses (6 total)

DWA 101International Relations: The Changing Rules of the Game

4 units

DWA 102International Organizations

4 units

One course at the 300 level

4 units

DWA 490Senior Seminar

4 units

ECON 101Principles of Economics I

4 units

ECON 102Principles of Economics II

4 units


DWA 220/POLS 232International Political Economy

4 units


ECON 311International Economics

4 units


Additional Electives:


Students majoring in Diplomacy and World Affairs will satisfy the second-stage writing requirement by taking one 300-level DWA junior seminar. These junior seminars will focus on preparing students to do their Senior Comprehensive Project (DWA 490) and will include substantial writing assignments and a requirement that the instructor deem a student's writing proficient.


Seniors will complete DWA 490 as their comprehensive requirement in the spring of their senior year. There are two options within DWA 490:

  • Thesis: a 30-50 page thesis based on independent academic research.
  • Film/Documentary: Production of a documentary film that advances knowledge in the IR field. To undertake the documentary option – it is recommended that you complete MAC 242 or take a filmmaking course through the Art Center at Night Program.

Details on these options will be given to students during the spring of their junior year. Students must submit a proposal for the option they hope to pursue during the fall semester of their senior year for approval by the department.


Qualified majors may achieve Departmental Honors at graduation through maintenance of an overall grade point average of 3.25, with a 3.5 GPA in the major (inclusive of courses from all departments taken at Occidental that count toward fulfilling DWA major requirements; study abroad, language, and Oxy-at-the-U.N. courses do not count toward the major GPA); and through completion of the comprehensive requirement with a grade of Pass with Distinction (Honors). Those interested should see the Honors Program and consult the department chair for details, preferably in the junior year.