2017-2018 Catalog

Minor Requirements

The GWSS minor is a five-course (5) program consisting of one (1) required core class and four (4) electives. Note: no more than three courses from one department can be counted toward the minor.

Core coursework

All students minoring in GWSS must take at least one of the following core courses:

CTSJ 140Critical Theories of Sexuality

4 units

DWA 230Gender and International Human Rights

4 units

HIST 237Changing Views of Gender, Women, and Sexualities

4 units

POLS 321Gender and Politics in the Developing World

4 units

SOC 265Gender and Society

4 units


In addition to completing one core course, students will take four additional courses from the list below to fulfill the minor. Note that the five courses for the minor must be taken in at least three different departments.

AMST 240African American Women Writers

4 units

AMST 268American Beauty: Race, Fashion, and the Female Body

4 units

AMST 325Toni Morrison and African-American Self-Fashioning

4 units

ARTH 250/MAC 251American Indians in Film

4 units

CTSJ 160Introduction to Feminist Studies

4 units

CTSJ 210Mother Goose to Mash-Ups: Children's Literature and Popular Texts

4 units

CTSJ 222Body Politics

4 units

CTSJ 230Fundamentals of Queer Theory

4 units

CTSJ 233Queer Literature and Culture

4 units

CTSJ 234Materialist Feminism

4 units

CTSJ 255Women of Color

4 units

CTSJ 261Race, Gender, Class, and the Media

4 units

CTSJ 311Children, Poverty, and Public Policies

4 units

CTSJ 332Psychic Life of Violence

4 units

CTSJ 335Queer of Color Critique

4 units

CTSJ 337Queer Los Angeles: Cruising the Archive

4 units

CTSJ 360Methodologies of Gender and Women’s Studies

4 units

CTSJ 361Gender, Race, and Nationality in Latin American and Latinx Film

4 units

DWA 230Gender and International Human Rights

4 units

DWA 231Gender and International Relations

4 units

DWA 329Junior Seminar: Human Rights and Trafficking in Persons

4 units

ECON 327Economics of Gender - Marriage, Motherhood, and Money

4 units

ECON 328Economics of Race and Gender

4 units

ENGL 159Lavender Cowboys: Power and Gender in the American Western

4 units

ENGL 248Money, Gender, and the Nineteenth Century Novel

4 units

ENGL 274Women Writers

4 units

FREN 365Seminar in a Literary Theme: French Feminism

4 units

HIST 150/LLAS 150Colonial Latin America

4 units

HIST 182The Social and Cultural History of the Modern Middle East

4 units

HIST 206History of American Women

4 units

HIST 220Ancient Athens and Renaissance Florence

4 units

HIST 237Changing Views of Gender, Women, and Sexualities

4 units

HIST 258/LLAS 258Mexican Politics in the Twentieth Century

4 units

HIST 277Women and Community Health

4 units

HIST 282The Muslim World in Modern Times

4 units

HIST 353Catholicism and Social Justice in the Americas

4 units

HIST 359Mexico-United States Borderlands

4 units

HIST 385Identity Formation in the Modern Middle East and Africa

4 units

JAPN 273Popular Culture and Literary Traditions of Tokugawa Japan

4 units

MAC 244Topics in Media Representation

4 units

PHIL 235Feminism

4 units

PHIL 353Health and Social Justice

4 units

POLS 321Gender and Politics in the Developing World

4 units

PSYC 350Psychology of Gender

4 units

RELS 266Sexuality and Gender in Buddhism

4 units

RELS 282"Good" Sex: History of Christian Sexual Ethics

4 units

RELS 305Islam, Gender and Sexuality

4 units

SOC 225Masculinities

4 units

SOC 230Marriage and Family

4 units

SOC 255Youth Culture in United States Society

4 units

SOC 265Gender and Society

4 units

SOC 320Health and Illness

4 units

SOC 355Power and Sexuality

4 units

WRD 265Feminist Rhetoric and Social Change

4 units